Revo Uninstaller lets you uninstall programs using a simplified interface. If you have lots of software installed, you can reorder them, list them by icon or detail and even search by name. Revo also has a hunter mode designed to help you identify which displayed windows are associated with which program. Like all local software uninstallers, Revo Uninstaller requires admin rights.
Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 Portable
Removing unused programs from your hard drive bring several benefits. As well as clearing unnecessary entries from the Start menu to help make it easier to navigate, software removal also frees up hard drive space and can help to improve system performance. The uninstaller provided with Windows is functional, but it can also be very slow and is somewhat lacking in features.
Revo Uninstaller is an uninstaller for Microsoft Windows.[3] It uninstalls programs and additionally removes any files and Windows registry entries left behind by the program's uninstaller or by the Windows uninstall function.
Revo Uninstaller first runs the selected program's built-in uninstaller, then searches and removes associated files and registry entries that the uninstaller may not have removed from the user's drive.
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Revo Uninstaller Pro 4 is an innovative uninstaller program that helps you to uninstall unnecessary software and easily remove unwanted programs installed on your personal computer. Revo Uninstaller allows you to optimize your device, get rid of all the program files you do not need, and slow down your computer processes.
Please note: The portable version can install its own U disk for portable use. And the activation code is purchased by the agent from the official batch. Due to the regulations of this activation code, the maintenance date starts to count down after receiving the goods. Therefore, the maintenance update date of the activation code you receive may be a few days shorter than the actual one.
Revo Uninstaller Pro is the best tool with an easy to use interface and powerful options. You can take it anywhere with you in your portable storage devices and run it on any computer. It analyzes the complete drive and checks for unnecessary files, folder, registration entries, duplicate content, and more to keep your system junk free.
Revo Uninstaller has been made portable. Well, maybe not exactly. The developers of the original app have created a new Revo Uninstaller Portable version, which means that it can be saved to your USB memory device and run directly run from there, as it doesn't require installation.
The uninstallation routines of many programs work only mediocre so that often data remains on the system after de-installation. Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 Portable detects these residues and removes them from your computer. In addition, the program can also remove traces of work that occur during daily PC work. The portable version of Revo is not installed on the computer, but on an external medium such as a USB stick.
Especially useful is the portable version if you are PC technician, administrator or PC Nothelfer for friends and family! But even with more than one computer, which could eventually make home trouble, the Revo Uninstaller Pro 3 Portable version helps!
Revo Uninstaller Pro 4 is innovative uninstaller program which helps you to uninstall unnecessary software and remove easily unwanted programs installed on your personal computer. Revo Uninstaller gives you the convenience to optimize your device, as well as to get rid of all the program files you do not need and slow down your computer processes. You can also download WinSnap 5.2.5. 2ff7e9595c